Princess Camilla of Bourbon
Charitable Foundation
How unfair is Climate Change?
Climate change is sadly by now an everyday global crisis topic, but it is less common to talk about how its effects are felt unevenly across countries, communities, and individuals.
Those who have contributed the least to the problem; rural women, youth, and those living in poverty, often bear the heaviest burdens, facing the most severe impacts while lacking the resources, services, and opportunities needed to adapt and survive. This challenging context not only exposes existing social and economic inequalities but also worsens them. To tackle this issue, it is essential to place people and these deprived social positions at the centre of our attention.
A recent groundbreaking report produced by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, with its Headquarters in Rome, Italy, has brought new evidence of the effects of climate change on these marginalised groups, with a thorough study based on over 109,000 households (representing over 950 million rural people) in 24 countries in 5 regions of the world, and 70 years of geo-referenced rainfall and temperature data. These important findings show how existing social and economic inequalities are even more deepened, making it crucial to focus on these vulnerable groups in the fight for immediate and long-term solutions.
H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, through her Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation, wishes to draw attention to this sensitive argument, raising awareness about how tackling climate change is crucial for driving collective action and fostering a deeper understanding of its impacts. By educating individuals and communities about the science behind climate change, its effects on ecosystems, and the disproportionate burden faced by vulnerable populations, we can inspire meaningful change.
Uniting for a sustainable future at CC Forum 2024
It was a true honor to participate in the XI edition of the CC Forum in Paris where I had the privilege of joining an insightful conversation on Sustainability and the World’s Royal Families: Vision and Action. A heartfelt thank you to its Founder, and the entire organizing team for their dedication in creating a platform for impactful dialogue on global sustainability challenges.
Meeting with H.E. Mr. Prithvirajsing Roopun, President of Mauritius
January 14th, 2024 – During her recent stay in Mauritius, H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro, accompanied by her husband, H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House, met H.E. Mr. Prithvirajsing Roopun, President of Mauritius, who has been holding this position since 2019.
During their friendly meeting, many issues were discussed, with a focus on the Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation, the Duchess of Castro’s own charity based in Mauritius, whose main goal is to protect the environment and raise awareness on this issue.
Improving sustainable development as well as enhancing the Foundation’s current activities are the priorities of the 2024 agenda.
Noise Pollution: Causes, Effects and Remedies
As World Nature Conservation Day approaches, the urgency of raising public awareness of the importance of ensuring the well-being of present and future generations in harmony with a healthy environment is becoming increasingly evident.
Nowadays, whenever we hear about pollution we all know what we are talking about, whether it is water, soil or air pollution. Yet, there is another type of introduction of harmful substances into the environment that can cause irreversible damage to human health and nature. It is less mentioned and it is known as noise pollution.
Just like the air we breathe, the sounds we hear can also affect our psychophysical well-being. In fact, not only does prolonged exposure have harmful implications for humans, but also for the wildlife and environment around us.
It can originate from completely different sources: industrial, commercial and handicraft activities, extreme weather events, and rail, vehicular and air traffic. It is basically the introduction into the environment of sounds whose decibels are higher than the environment and its living species can endure.
According to the European Environment Agency (EEA), this exposure is responsible for 12,000 premature deaths each year and contributes to 48,000 new cases of ischemic heart disease in Europe. Not to mention songbirds and many other animals, whose ability to communicate and reproduce is severely undermined by road traffic noise. This often forces them to flee their habitat.
How can we reduce noise pollution? The use of sound-absorbing materials is an option, as is the installation of laminated glass and airtight window frames.
In short, a few simple precautions that are likely to make a difference. Nature is a precious asset that we need to protect constantly. We must all act now to preserve the beauty of our Planet. It’s now or never.
H.R.H. Princess Maria Chiara of Bourbon Two Sicilies, appointed Ambassador of WWF Italy and France
Nowadays, the health of the planet and the seas is incredibly jeopardized by human activity. On the occasion of World Oceans Day, which is celebrated on June 8 as every year, HRH Princess Maria Chiara of Bourbon Two Sicilies had the great pleasure of announcing her appointment as Ambassador of WWF for Italy and France, countries to which she is intimately connected.
In addition, Princess Mary Clare wishes to put her passion for communication at the disposal of WWF’s services by publicizing on her social media channels the projects and visits she will carry out within this prestigious NGO.
The following is the speech delivered by Princess Maria Chiara:
“Planet Ocean: tides are changing.
Today is June 8, 2023 and I have the pleasure of being in one of the astonishing halls of the Maison de l’Océan in Paris to share and celebrate World Oceans Day with each and every one of you.
Over the past few years, I have decided to commit myself, in addition to pursuing my studies and my hobbies, to supporting and devoting my time to projects on the protection of nature, the marvelous world of animals, especially endangered species and the numerous climatic and ecological impacts that pollution causes on the Earth.
I have always desired to develop these initiatives in a discreet but deeply involved way, and I feel that my modest efforts have been appreciated by various associations. Especially today, I am extremely honored to announce that I have been appointed WWF Ambassador for Italy and France, two countries that are particularly close to my heart as I am an Italian-French citizen.
The first important nature conservation project I would like to share with you is the one launched by WWF Italy to protect the Oases in Italy. There are over 100 of them in total and they are Integrated Protected Area Management models. The WWF has been safeguarding them for over fifty years. They are unspoiled fragments of nature that continuously save rare species from extinction. Oases are research laboratories, outdoor classrooms and an example of good management. Every year, more than 500,000 people visit them, getting in direct contact with intact and clean nature. WWF Oases are the foundation for Nature conservation in Italy, and I genuinely invite you to explore them.
A second highly relevant project that I would like to share is the one promoted by WWF France, which deals with the protection of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Posidonia is an endemic plant of the Mediterranean Sea that is silently disappearing, unfortunately. Its name was inspired by that of the god of the sea, Poseidon, as these species perform essential functions both for marine life and for humans. It acts as the lungs of the Mediterranean because of the large amount of CO2 it absorbs. This plant is between 80,000 and 200,000 years old and is a historical heritage of the Mediterranean. It grows only 1 centimeter per year or 1 meter per century.
These are just a few of the very numerous projects I intend to promote and support, first and foremost with your support, and especially through the future trips I plan to take, but also by attending various conferences as well as using social networks to spread awareness of this crucial issue.
I would like to say that this appointment has given me even more determination to concentrate my efforts and energy to the fullest, and I will do everything I can to foster more interest in these issues. I believe it is much more than a duty for all of us, it is a actually a responsibility because it is an issue that affects each and everyone on a global scale. The most important thing we have is our planet, and we must preserve it with affection, love and huge respect.
Let’s protect our ocean, let’s protect our planet, and above all, let ‘s protect our future in harmony with Nature.“
World Oceans Day
Nowadays, the need to safeguard the oceans more adequately from the numerous threats they have to face has become increasingly compelling: overheating and air pollution, as well as ocean acidification, overfishing, several types of irresponsible fishing practices, exploitation of mineral resources and hydrocarbons, and loss of biodiversity.
The primary goal of H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, through her Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation, is to raise awareness of this sensitive topic and to foster a more respectful attitude toward the ecosystem and the marine environment.
Princess Camilla hopes that these considerations will contribute “to making progress and implementing concrete measures successively” such as “avoiding plastics, improving wastewater treatment plants, regulating fisheries, and safeguarding the most vulnerable systems”- the Princess stated.
Monaco Ocean Week
On the occasion of the Monaco Ocean Week, which took place from the 24thto the 30thof March 2023, the artist Paola Buratto Caovilla, co-founder of the luxury footwear company René Caovilla, presented her work of art “No More Time –Oceans are Life”.The installation, a globe made of resin and acrylic paint representing the planet, was exhibited in the Gardens of H.S.H. Prince Albert II Foundation, in Monaco.
Their Royal Highnesses Princesses Maria Chiara and Maria Carolina of Bourbon Two Sicilies, appointed as the advocates of this initiative, which isin line with their humanitarian commitment, participated at this important event. On this occasionPrincess Maria Chiara, inspired by the message conveyed by the artist Caovilla, took the floor and gave aspeech to all participants.
You will find below Princess Maria Chiara’s speech.
“Your Serene Highness,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all I would like to expressmy congratulations to the artist Paola Burrato Caovilla for having placed here, in the Gardens of the Prince Albert II Foundation, her magnificent sculpture named “No More Time –Oceans are Life “. I am deeply honoured of being appointed as the advocate of this initiative and it is a privilege to be present at this event.
Today it is time of celebrating the beauty of our ocean and the deep connection that have always existed between mankind and sea. Furthermore,itis time of realizing that its protection is one of the biggest challenges of our times.
According to statistics, if we do not act now, by 2048, when I will just turn 43 years old, a complete collapse of ocean life will occur!
In my opinion, one of the greatest threats of our times is the belief that someone else will save the Earth, but the truth is that the responsibility lies with each one of us. Governments cannot be left alone in the fight against pollution. They need to rely on us, on our choices and our constant will, perfectly represented through this special initiative.
I hope that my presence at this significantevent, can above all encourage young people to finally act against the degradation of our planet. Social networks and media have become an essential tool in order to spread this message all over the globe.It is time of using this collective power tomake the difference.
I am proud of conveying thismessage at the Monaco Ocean Week: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.Nothing is impossible because any single action counts in changing the course of history and in protecting our planet, our common home.
Your Serene Highness, thank you for everything you have done throughyour foundation, it is extraordinary. Thank you, dear Paola, for such a beautiful initiative, and thank you all for your attention.“
High Seas Treaty, A historic step forward in safeguarding international waters
Following nearly two decades of discussions, the United Nations member countries have reached an important agreement on a legal framework to protect portions of the ocean outside national jurisdictions, on March 4th, 2023. This historic deal, known as the High Seas Treaty, marks a significant step forward in safeguarding international waters and in respecting the 30×30 pledge called for by the GBF agreed in December 2022 (to protect a third of the sea and land by 2030).
Under the UN High Seas Treaty, international waters outside the 200 nautical miles limits of national jurisdiction and covering over 60% of the world ocean will be provided with a comprehensive legal framework. The 4-element ‘package’ includes modalities for 1) establishing area-based management tools (ABMT) including marine protected areas 2) sharing benefits of marine genetic resources (MGR), 3) capacity building and technology transfer (CB&TT) and 4) conducting and reporting environmental impact assessments (EIA) for activities generating potential impacts on the area.
Monaco’s commitment to high seas
Monaco has relentlessly pursued its support for advancing BBNJ (Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction) negotiations in recent years, by rallying its partners, using its influence, and advocating for the treaty’s success. The Principality has played an instrumental role in promoting the importance of protecting marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction and has been a strong advocate for the inclusion of robust area-based management tools, environmental impact assessments, and capacity building.
In 2020, Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies convened the “High Seas Treaty Dialogue” to discuss the issue of protecting the ocean and the importance of preserving international waters.
Monaco joined the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, a global initiative that seeks to protect and restore the ocean, at the One Ocean Summit in Brest on 11 February 2022. The Coalition was formed in 2020 to advance ambitious global commitments to protect 30% of the planet by 2030 and to ensure that the benefits of nature are shared equitably and fairly.
Last but not least, Monaco has been a key contributor in the creation of High Seas Marine Protected Areas, particularly thanks to the support of the Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation. To this date, only 1% of High Seas are protected and this treaty gives hope for the future of our planet.
Despite the potential challenges to implementation that remain, the treaty, once formally adopted, ratified, and entered into force, will be a game-changer when it comes to managing the ocean. Providing a strong overall policy framework, it could efficiently coordinate efforts and break down the silos of ocean management, guiding all to a shared goal.
Appointment of Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies as WWF Ambassador
Protecting the Ocean is protecting the Climate
On November 1st, 2021, the “Because the Ocean” initiative launched its 3rd declaration spreading the resounding message that ocean protection is climate protection.
The Declaration – described as “a plurilateral initiative in support of a multilateral ocean outcome”– encourages all countries involved in the fight against climate change to integrate ocean-climate-biodiversity linkages in their plans and to recognize the need for more ambition on all sides to tackle climate change and protect the ocean.
The ocean is often described as the engine room of the climate system and H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro, today highlighted the essential role the ocean plays in climate regulation by absorbing more than 25% of CO2 emissions and 90% of the excess heat due to global warming. She also referenced the impacts on marine life caused by warming ocean waters, changes in ocean currents, and ocean acidification, as well as the effects of sea level rise on coastal environments, and the growing number of ocean-related extreme weather events.
Polar bears and the melting of the ice
Polar bears will be wiped out by the end of the century unless more is done to tackle climate change, studies predict.
Scientists say some populations have already reached their survival limits as the Arctic sea ice shrinks.
The carnivores rely on the sea ice of the Arctic Ocean to hunt for seals.
As the ice breaks up, the animals are forced to roam for long distances or on shore, where they struggle to find food and feed their cubs.
The bear has become the “poster child of climate change”; if the ice goes, they have no place to go.
Polar bears are listed as vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with climate change a key factor in their decline.
Plastic pollution in the islands
Islands are singular territories characterized by strong isolation, space and resource management constraints and significant seasonal variations in populations. These particular geographical and socio-economic constraints give rise to problems specific to these territories: management of flows and resources (materials, water, energy, waste…), management of uses (tourism, agriculture, fishing…) and preservation of ecosystems (biodiversity, habitats and landscapes…).
The Mediterranean islands are particularly sensitive to plastic pollution, which threatens the health of their ecosystems and affects their tourist attractiveness.
Reducing plastic pollution requires improving the management of locally produced waste and raising awareness among the population and stakeholders. In an island context, waste management has to face several problems: limited space for storage and treatment, high transport and facility construction costs and peaks in waste production due to the influx of tourists in high season.
These constraints are a challenge but also an opportunity for plastic pollution reduction. The isolated and restricted nature of the territory makes it possible to imagine solutions that have an influence on the whole island, focused on a local operation and involving all local stakeholders. It also makes it easier to measure the impact of these solutions in order to verify their effectiveness.
Through its call for projects to reduce plastic pollution on the islands, Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation seeks to reinforce the efforts already underway and to promote the replication of effective actions.
The protection of biodiversity
In order to improve the management effectiveness of marine protected area in the Mediterranean and in the Indian Ocean, Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation has provided sustainable funding for marine biodiversity conservation. The Foundation’s projects pursue a responsible investment policy that responds to the challenges of a new, more sustainable economy around the Mediterranean basin and in the Indian Ocean.
This constant dedication has allowed the creation of a tool for the conservation of biodiversity and marine ecosystems that improves the livelihoods of local populations.
Faced with the urgency to define more ambitious goals for biodiversity, our aim is to strengthen our commitment to fight against the decline in biodiversity.
“Projects like ours – stated H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies – can be at the forefront of implementing global biodiversity and climate agreements, and have a key role in linking planetary health with the health of society. Today, they are ideal projects to allocate resources where they are most needed for conservation, in support of new national and global goals to manage biodiversity and support sustainable livelihoods.”
Her Royal Highness eventually added: “I also wish to bring together more than a thousand people around the discussion of the role that conservation trust funds play in guaranteeing financial sustainability in order to meet global ecosystem protection challenges”.
The Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation launches its call for micro-initiatives- 09/11/2020
Every year, more than a quarter of the plastic waste generated in the Mediterranean ends up in the sea. Plastic and the toxic compounds it contains are a scourge for marine fauna and flora and represent a major challenge for the preservation of the ecosystems on which mankind depends.
To prevent plastic pollution in the Mediterranean, The Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation supports, federates and accompanies actors in the field in order to reduce the use of plastic, find alternatives, improve collection systems, raise awareness, collect data and help implement new regulations.
In the current health context where single-use plastics are making a strong comeback, it is essential to strengthen efforts to limit over-consumption and reduce leakage to the environment. With this in mind, The Foundation is launching its call for micro-initiatives.
Beyond financial support, the Foundation call for micro-initiatives encourages the sharing of good practices between the actors of the network. The Monaco Ocean Week 2021 will be an opportunity for the 2019 laureates to meet in the Principality to exchange on the progress of their project.
The call for micro-initiatives in brief :
Eligible actors: The call concerns NGOs, local authorities, municipalities, private companies with less than 20 employees, scientific institutions whose legal status allows them to receive grants.
Type of targeted actions : The call concerns actions contributing to reduce the arrival of plastics in the seas. The replication or adaptation of successful experiences in other areas or countries is encouraged. Initiatives must include a maximum of concrete actions.
The Foundation’s contribution for each project: Up to a maximum of 10,000 euros.
Starting date of the project: From May 2021.
Duration of the project: 12 to 18 months maximum (end of project no later than 30 November 2022). The call is open until Sunday 3 January 2021
Monte Carlo, September 25th, 2020 – H.R.H. Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Castro and Founder of the Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation, attended the famous CC FORUM, sponsored by H.S.H. Prince Albert II, in Monte Carlo on September 24th and 25th. Her Royal Highness was invited to take part in the conferences as a speaker.
Particularly, H.R.H. was asked to share her vision during two panels, whose topics were:
- “The New Agenda: How to Build a More Environmentally Responsible Corporate Capitalism?” [Please click HERE to read Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Castro’s speech]
- “Sustainability and the World’s Royal Families: Vision and Action”. [Please click HERE to read Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Castro’s speech]

As the COVID-19 pandemic severely affects the world, causing an unprecedented crisis, the link between environment and health is becoming a growing concern. In this context, the Princess Camilla of Bourbon Charitable Foundation expresses its compassion for the suffering populations and pays tribute to the courage of those who, on a everyday basis, struggle and mobilize to overcome this pandemic. The impulse of solidarity that unites us today is proof of our ability to act together with a common goal. The need for a collective response to global challenges is more fundamental than ever, whether it be the coronavirus or environmental preservation.
All of us, individually and collectively, have a role to play to ensure that the paths that will be chosen as we emerge from the crisis not only do not call into question, but breathe new life into the measures taken by countries and industries to combat climate change and biodiversity loss.
Princess Camilla of Bourbon Two Sicilies has invited personalities and scientists to take the floor to reflect on the link between the environment and the pandemic, on the current impact of the crisis in various regions of the world and on the perspectives for the “day after”.
This message of awareness was spread symbolically from April, 22nd, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Since then, several personalities had shared their points of view in the fields of the environment, science and the economy in order to contribute to creating this new balance between man and nature at the end of this crisis.